Category Archives: Sleep and adults

How to Beat the Heat and Sleep Through Summer

beat the heat and sleep through summer

Summer has landed and although there is so much to love about this season, it can seriously disrupt our sleep! Not only do longer, lighter evenings mean we are later to bed but we often wake through the night in a hot mess. How Summer Disrupts Your Sleep During the summer months, we tend to […]

Tips for Sleeping Through the Pandemic

Tips for Sleeping Through the Pandemic

Many of us are suffering sleep deprivation during the COVID-19 pandemic due to increased stress and uncertainty coupled with a change in our routine. We need eight hours of quality, deep sleep during this time to support a strong immune system to fight against infection and support the effectiveness of vaccination. See our sleep tips […]

Is Sleep Apnoea Disrupting your Sleep?

Is Sleep Apnoea Disrupting your Sleep

Blog at a Glance Sleep Apnoea is a common condition disrupting the sleep and quality of life for one in seven people worldwide. If you, your child or partner snore or wake often through the night you could be suffering from Sleep Apnoea. Read our blog below to help you identify the signs and symptoms […]

Take it to Heart, Sleep Matters

Take it to Heart, Sleep Matters

Blog at a Glance February marks Heart Health Awareness Month and this month we are asking you to show your heart some love and take action to prioritise your sleep. Sleep deprivation has been linked to numerous heart problems including high blood pressure, high cholesterol, heart attacks, obesity, diabetes, and stroke. 1 Implementing a consistent […]

Daylight Saving – Tips for a Smooth Transition

Although it comes around twice every year, Daylight Savings still manages to catch us all by surprise. Waking up on Sunday morning to find the clocks have turned back or forward an hour doesn’t necessarily mean that our internal body clock has made the same adjustments. The side-effects of Daylight Savings always hit particularly hard […]