Tag Archives: sleep mask

Impact of Sleeplessness on Relationships

Impact of Sleeplessness on Relationships

When you suffer from sleeplessness, everyone in your family – especially your partner – suffers alongside you. The impact of sleeplessness on relationships manifests in all aspects of family life. Firstly, your inability to fall or stay asleep can cause your partner to have difficulty sleeping simply because you are sharing the same bed. This […]

Daylight Saving – Tips for a Smooth Transition

Although it comes around twice every year, Daylight Savings still manages to catch us all by surprise. Waking up on Sunday morning to find the clocks have turned back or forward an hour doesn’t necessarily mean that our internal body clock has made the same adjustments. The side-effects of Daylight Savings always hit particularly hard […]

How to fall asleep? 5 Sleeping Myths Debunked

how to fall asleep

How to fall asleep? A common question that many people are looking to answer. We know that there is a lot of sleep advice out there. Some of it is helpful. Some of it is not so helpful. Here are 5 sleep myths debunked by our team of Sleep Specialists. Sleep myth #1 A nightcap […]

Baby Whisperer, Sharlene Poole, offers her expert opinion on colic and reflux

Original article care of the amazing people at TREASURES MAGAZINE Babies from a very early age can suffer from sore tummies and they’re often diagnosed with colic or reflux or labelled as a ‘windy baby’. These babies are often unsettled, show physical discomfort, cry or seem unhappy quite frequently throughout the day. They can be […]

How can I sleep on a plane?

How can I sleep on a plane

Many people find it difficult to sleep on long haul flights and with changing time zones find activities in the new country difficult for a couple of days. Here are some helpful tips on how to improve your chances of sleeping on the plane and waking up refreshed in a new country ready to have […]