Many people find it difficult to sleep on long haul flights and with changing time zones find activities in the new country difficult for a couple of days.
Here are some helpful tips on how to improve your chances of sleeping on the plane and waking up refreshed in a new country ready to have some fun or work really well!
Checklist of things you will need to have and do
- Pre-book with your travel agent or airline a window seat so you can lean/sleep against it
- Take a memory foam pillow with you on the plane.
- Pack an eye mask to help block out the light
- Noise-cancelling earplugs or playlist with preloaded relaxation music
- SleepDrops, Essential Sleep Nutrients and Daytime Revive
- Bottle of water.
- Before leaving home pack a drink bottle with 6 capsules of Essential Sleep Nutrients. You will drink this later at the airport.
- About an hour before boarding have a light meal. A medium-sized salad with some protein (50 to 100grams) is ideal and bring with you some crackers. The protein – turkey, chicken, beef – will provide the specific amino acid (tryptophan) needed for sleep, while the cracker will provide the carbohydrates needed for absorption. This combination provides fuel for your body to make sleep chemicals.
- Take your capsules of Essential Sleep and Stress Nutrients while at the airport and as you are preparing to go through customs. Remember you will have to have nearly finished it by the time you get to customs otherwise they will take it off you. Refill your bottle at a drinking station either in the lounges or at your gate.
- About 15 minutes before boarding starts take 10 SleepDrops under your tongue.
- Once you are boarded and settled into your seat take another 10 drops of SleepDrops under your tongue.
- Put on your eye mask, pop in your noise-cancelling earplugs with or without music.
- Do “Deep Sleep Breathing” slowly increase the time that you breathe in and out until you are breathing in for the count of 9 and out for the count of 11.
- Allow yourself to drift off to sleep.
- Get woken after 4 hours sleeping and walk around for 5 minutes
- Go back to your seat – take 5 to 10 drops of SleepDrops – put on your eye mask, pop in your earplugs and do your ‘Deep Sleep Breathing” until you go back to sleep again.
- Upon waking take 5 drops of Daytime Revive under your tongue. You can continue to take 5 drops half-hourly until you reach your hotel or where you are staying.
- Take Daytime Revive as needed until you have adjusted to new time zone.