Kirsten Taylor – our fantastic sleep coach has developed this wonderful and informative E-book; ‘Why Won’t My Baby Sleep’ specifically for parents with wee ones so you both get the sleep you deserve. Filled with effective and practical sleep solutions for babies, learn all the secrets from our Sleep Specialists with over 10 years’ experience with helping babies sleep. Download and keep on hand as your baby sleep guide.

Download and keep on hand as your baby-sleep guide.



Why Won’t My Baby Sleep E-Book



Do you want to know how to get your baby to sleep?

This downloadable E-Book has been written by founder of SleepDrops and (Mother herself) Kirsten Taylor to help parents equip them with practical solutions for their baby so they can feel empowered to help their baby sleep.

Content includes:

The 8 Common Pitfalls that Parent Fall into when their Baby is not Sleeping

  1. Thinking there is nothing you can do to help your baby sleep
  2. Trying to resist the baby changing your life
  3. Starting bad habits which you will regret later
  4. Missing your baby’s tired cues
  5. Not respecting circadian rhythms and the impact of light/dark on sleep patterns
  6. Misunderstanding why my baby is crying
  7. Losing confidence in your parenting ability
  8. Fear you are hurting your baby – letting go of the guilt