SleepDrops for Babies is a soothing, natural blend of carefully selected and scientifically researched ingredients to support 0-3-year-olds who just can’t sleep.

This special blend of 11 herbal medicines, 5 homeopathic preparations and 9 flower essences are a natural, non-addictive, and gentle way to settle a distressed, overtired, or overstimulated little one who is not sleeping during any time of day or night.

SleepDrops for Babies has helped thousands of parents over the years struggling with babies or toddlers that can’t sleep due to wind or discomfort, which can disrupt sleep.

They are also a suitable support for babies or toddlers that are going through developmental stages, being introduced to new foods or have digestive upsets, or possible environmental allergies affecting sleep.

These great tasting drops are easily taken under the tongue and the dose can be individualised to suit the severity of your babies or toddlers sleeplessness (e.g. on a nightly basis use more or less drops as needed)

I know you are tired and probably a little frustrated if you are honest. You looked forward to this little person coming for so long and now them not sleeping is massively impacting on the happiness of your life and the whole family. I get it. I really do. My son didn’t sleep for nearly 2 years and when we went to the Doctor we were told there was nothing that could be done about it and that some babies just don’t sleep that he will just grow out of it eventually – Seriously? Their answer was we just had to suck it up. The good news is I know how to help your baby sleep. I have specialised in Sleep for 14 years and I was on a mission to make a sleep drops remedy specifically for babies. Our team is here is to let you know there is something you can do and we are here to support you every step of the way! Kirsten Taylor – Founder of SleepDrops

Sleep Drops for Babies contains 10 scientifically researched natural ingredients to support a variety of sleeping challenges, a healthy immune system and response to low-grade allergies. This comprehensive formula is supported by the addition of five Homeopathic preparations and a gentle blend of nine flower essences that support healthy sleep patterns in babies and toddlers.

10 Herbal medicines – Albizia, Baical Skullcap, Californian poppy, Chamomile, Corydalis, Cramp bark, Hops, Lavender, Passionflower, Zizyphus.

5 Homeopathic preparations- Calc phos, Chamomilla, Colocynthis, Kreosotum, Mag phos.

9 Flower essences – First Light Flower Essences of New Zealand
In a base of Grander living water, non-palm glycerine, water, food grade ethanol and Potassium sorbate.

Give the baby or toddler 1-3 drops before putting them down for day naps and night sleeps consistently.

This can be repeated if they are having trouble getting to sleep. Repeat if the baby or toddler wakes during the night or day sleep.

The drops can also be used during the day if the baby or toddler gets overtired, distressed and unsettled.

If the child is breast fed the mother can take Healthy Sleep Capsules to support magnesium levels of her breast milk.

Infants sensitive or allergic to any of the ingredients should avoid this product.

There is 0.005grams of dried herb equivalent per 5 drops dose so herb/drug interactions should be impossible.

If you are concerned about this possibility please follow the advice of your medical practitioner.



Weight 106 g

International KAVA-FREE SleepDrops for Babies 30ml

GTIN: sdb-int


  • Natural sleep support for babies and toddlers (0-3 yrs) to go to sleep without struggle anytime of day or night
  • Support to soothe restless, overtired or irritable babies or babies with wind, pain, discomfort or digestive disturbances affecting sleep
  • Support for babies and todders that are going through developmental stages affecting sleep
  • Great tasting, easy to use, non-addictive and non-drowsy formula

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