We are sorry to see you want to leave our exclusive VIP Sleepers Club
We are sorry to see you want to leave our exclusive VIP Sleepers Club
Please keep in mind that for the best health results we recommend using our products consistently for at least six months to give your body a chance to restore your sleep-wake cycles and reap the health benefits that come with great sleep.
We know that it can be complicated to improve your sleep but it’s worth persevering as research shows that chronic sleep deprivation (sleeping less than 7.0 hours a night) is linked to:
Look the truth is we have done the research, know the risks to not sleeping and have the solutions you need so we would love to keep you as a valued VIP sleeper club member!
To encourage you to continue to trial and benefit from our products, we would like to offer you a special gift for re-signing to the VIP Sleeper club today.
Please login to cancel subscription. Thank you.
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