Do you feel like you have lost control of your life?
For so many women, menopause is a desperate struggle. Last year, doctors in the US alone prescribed 65 million drug prescriptions to menopausal women suffering from cramps, hot flushes, sleep disturbances, breast tenderness, headaches, vaginal dryness, tiredness and anxiety. Unfortunately, these same drugs all carry potentially serious side effects, which is why many women are left feeling trapped and brush off these symptoms as being a ‘normal’ part of womanhood but these symptoms are not normal and can be addressed by balancing your hormones – naturally!
What makes SleepDrops International different?
SleepDrops Menopauzzz uses effective ingredients that work synergistically to target various hormonal concerns, with herbs such as Chaste Tree and Black Cohosh to ease the unwanted experiences commonly associated with menopause, such as hot flushes, mood swings, and disrupted sleep. It also has balancing, calming and cooling properties to aid in temperature regulation, mood balance and mental stress. Say goodbye to unpleasant monthly symptoms and sleepless nights!
Combining research-based dosing with proven science, this carefully crafted formulation can be used long-term to support hormonal health and female well-being and can even be used alongside other prescription medications.